Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Let us bless the conservative, narrow-minded, bigoted people who think it's ok to hurt their fellowman.  The darkness has invaded their minds and made the Universal Purpose unclear.  Send them Love & Light. That will help.  Many of them are what they themselves would call  " followers  of Jesus " and Jesus himself preached against those who would slam the door on the less fortunate,  scorn the have-nots,take care of and honor only the rich and powerful.  We must bless them and pray for them to heal.  It will help.  Do it and watch it all change.  Only  GOD IS ABSOLUTE.  Many politicians are just unenlightened like so much of humanity.  Be cognizant of your own thoughts,  actions, intentions and heart.  Remember,  everyone is  GOD  made manifest. Bless your enemies or those you think are including yourself.