Thursday, October 27, 2011


This is the AGE of AQUARIUS and we are still on the cusp of the PISCEAN AGE, which could last another 100 years. An age lasts 2180 years, give or take and this is only the beginning. So far we've seen many changes in styles, attitudes and technology which is very Aquarian. Aquarius is a sign that speaks of equal rights, fairness and justice. Aquarius can be revolutionary or rebellious and we're seeing that happening now; finally people are standing up for their rights. The Aquarian energy is showing itself more and more every day. People are rebelling against hypocrisy of every form. The planet of Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius. Right now that planet is in the sign of new beginnings-Aries, which is also the sign of the warrior. Aquarian energy is one of friendship and brotherhood with group instincts. The planet of Uranus was created for change,tearing down and re-building, re-forming for the betterment of mankind. It is innovative and advanced, creative and inventive. The Universe [ one voice ] is loud and clear We can create the ideal!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Are the "Mysteries" truly a mystery? To some. If you are a seeker answers come. However, since you have freedom of choice you get to choose where you seek and how. It only takes a small bulb to light up a whole room but is it light enough? If you are truly a seeker you will look for more LIGHT.
Investigate every mystical school and compare. Research every philosophy, religion and belief system. You will find many simililarities, Many of the same truths expressed in different ways. Question everything. Remember that different personalities, egos and agendas are and were involved in the interpretations of  most teachings. Trust your inner self. Your heart knows!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Bigotry is alive and kicking.Someone once told me that everyone is predjudiced. That's really sad. I"ve also heard that everyone is judgemental. I question all of it because I know that the only thing that is ABSOLUTE IS GOD! So there must those who are without predjudice and those who are not judgemental. Have you met one? Wouldn't you like to be one? We can change our patterns. First we have to recognize, acknowledge, and own it. Than we have to work at it. Often that means changing our associations. Focus on the goal and do what it takes to achieve loving thoughts and actions,kindness and compassion towards others as you would have them do for you. What you put out you get back. As you walk the path of  LIGHT/LOVE  the darkness falls away. Lip service doesn't work. You have to live it. When you do it will make you feel good inside and  other people will feel that goodness. That energy will pour out of every cell of your body. Your eyes will shine. It's infectuous.

The MIND is the power and only you can make it happen. It's your choice.