Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Let us bless the conservative, narrow-minded, bigoted people who think it's ok to hurt their fellowman.  The darkness has invaded their minds and made the Universal Purpose unclear.  Send them Love & Light. That will help.  Many of them are what they themselves would call  " followers  of Jesus " and Jesus himself preached against those who would slam the door on the less fortunate,  scorn the have-nots,take care of and honor only the rich and powerful.  We must bless them and pray for them to heal.  It will help.  Do it and watch it all change.  Only  GOD IS ABSOLUTE.  Many politicians are just unenlightened like so much of humanity.  Be cognizant of your own thoughts,  actions, intentions and heart.  Remember,  everyone is  GOD  made manifest. Bless your enemies or those you think are including yourself.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


" THE  CHRIST"  is  a consciousness, an evolutionary right belonging to every soul.  The Universe sends us  BEINGS  from time to time who have attained so that we can be reminded of our origen.  We get messages from many sources,  all emmanating from the same  SOURCE.  Elevating your level of awareness and opening your HEART can help you attain it-when you live it-become  " ONE " with it.  " These things I do you can do and more, " sayeth Jesus.  Will you not take his word?


Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Right thinking is important and actions speak louder than words.  According to the actions I see going on in the world there's not a lot of right thinking going on. Seems we have poor values, hate, anger, jealousy, greed, laziness, brutality, selfishness. If you want to live in a better world these things need to be eliminated and replaced with their counterparts.  It's easier to love than to hate, to be in peace than in anger, to be happy for someone when they are happy, to share , to be kind.  It would take pages to explain why and you are intelligent to figure it out.  I know your thoughts lean toward """""""but",      however, what you do is important, it carries a lot of weight.  Think good thoughts, do  the right thing and the Universe will reward.  Have you heard the expression "Put your money where your mouth is"?  What a sad commentary for the human race. That says we put a dollar value on our word.  We are our word.  Who and what we are cannot be expressed in dollars!  Look how far we have strayed from the original concept.  GOD breathed life into us. We are made in that IMAGE.   We are THAT!   THAT=LOVE & LIGHT!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013



We enter into the DARKNESS ( the Mother's womb ).
We come into the LIGHT when we are born.
We begin our new journey fully protected by the flesh.
Your LIGHT SELF shines thru your eyes.
How much? 
The body can keep you trapped,  imprisoned, so can the mind,  if you let it.
You can go within and become "ONE" with the LIGHT.

We come out of our bodies every nite and visit other planes of existence.
Some remember, some don't.
The body is a vehicle we can use to perpetuate the LIGHT, or not.
The choice is ours-mine-yours.
Merge with the LIGHT beyond this body-or not.
It's what you keep looking for that you don't quite grasp til you do.
It's there-
everywhere !
Make your choice.
It is your choice;
Your responsibility.

GOD has created many lights along the way.
If all you receive is 25 watts-so be it.
Are you capable of more or are you just not letting it in?
Blocks can be physical,mental or emotional.

Desire and will are important factors.

Monday, August 12, 2013


There's the mundane law and  then there's God's Law.  According to God's Law,  no one gets away with anything,  they only think they do.  Some are comforted by that, not others.   There is nothing outside of God ,  God is everything and no-thing.  That means God created the  DARKNESS AND THE LIGHT,  for whatever purpose it serves the whole.  How can we make choices if we cannot see the differences?  Then there is perspective and,  of course, justification.  There are so many lessons and many experiences to have.  It takes more than one lifetime and we will keep coming back til we get it right.  God made the Law.  We make the choices.  We pay and get rewarded, according to the nature of the action.  The Angels ( Helpers, Guides ) keep track.  It's simple, honorable, balanced.  Think about it.  God does not play favorites. 
Simple and comforting.  You are the creator.  Be aware of what you are creating.  LOVE is the KEY!

Monday, February 11, 2013

YOU ARE THE STAR                                                  You are the star of your own play and everyone benefits. The Universe is magical and wonderful in it's abilities and capabilities.  This is where we live and breath and pay our debts and have our human experiences.  Without the body we are the breath and Soul, in part, of a vast, indescribable, pulsating ENERGY.  Let us enjoy and honer THAT.  The  " I AM THAT-I AM.  YOU ARE-WE ARE- THAT.  WONDER OF WONDERS.  IT IS ALL LOVE.  Thank you for listening.  Thank you for hearing.  Thank you for getting it ( if you do ).  Thank GOD for giving it.