Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Right thinking is important and actions speak louder than words.  According to the actions I see going on in the world there's not a lot of right thinking going on. Seems we have poor values, hate, anger, jealousy, greed, laziness, brutality, selfishness. If you want to live in a better world these things need to be eliminated and replaced with their counterparts.  It's easier to love than to hate, to be in peace than in anger, to be happy for someone when they are happy, to share , to be kind.  It would take pages to explain why and you are intelligent to figure it out.  I know your thoughts lean toward """""""but",      however, what you do is important, it carries a lot of weight.  Think good thoughts, do  the right thing and the Universe will reward.  Have you heard the expression "Put your money where your mouth is"?  What a sad commentary for the human race. That says we put a dollar value on our word.  We are our word.  Who and what we are cannot be expressed in dollars!  Look how far we have strayed from the original concept.  GOD breathed life into us. We are made in that IMAGE.   We are THAT!   THAT=LOVE & LIGHT!

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