Monday, September 17, 2012


This world is " A Garden Of Many Experiences ".  Every Soul that manifests a body is the star of their own play.  Each is having their own experiences.  Each experience has it's own purpose and serves everyone participating.  It even serves those who are watching or listening.
The Universe has created us to create the many magical orchestrations that are and are not. It is all the illusion of existence and non-existence.  MAYA.
If you " Believe " something,  that is a " Belief ".  You have the power to believe it into being. Does that make it so?  It may for you.

Monday, September 10, 2012


There is a balance in the Universe that we cannot deny, illiminate, delete, remove or erase.  We can forget or be unaware of it's true meaning.  It is called Karma,  Cause and Effect, As you sow,  so shall you reap. It is  the LAW of the UNIVERSE - the ONE VOICE.   The SOURCE from whence we come , created this LAW.  No-one can avoid it,  change it,  or go around it.  It is  ETERNAL.  No-one gets away with anything.  For every action there is a re-action.  PAYBACK/REWARD comes in many ways,  can manifest at anytime,  in any lifetime when the circumstances and souls are available,  at the right time,  in the right place,  in DIVINE ORDER!