Monday, September 17, 2012


This world is " A Garden Of Many Experiences ".  Every Soul that manifests a body is the star of their own play.  Each is having their own experiences.  Each experience has it's own purpose and serves everyone participating.  It even serves those who are watching or listening.
The Universe has created us to create the many magical orchestrations that are and are not. It is all the illusion of existence and non-existence.  MAYA.
If you " Believe " something,  that is a " Belief ".  You have the power to believe it into being. Does that make it so?  It may for you.

Monday, September 10, 2012


There is a balance in the Universe that we cannot deny, illiminate, delete, remove or erase.  We can forget or be unaware of it's true meaning.  It is called Karma,  Cause and Effect, As you sow,  so shall you reap. It is  the LAW of the UNIVERSE - the ONE VOICE.   The SOURCE from whence we come , created this LAW.  No-one can avoid it,  change it,  or go around it.  It is  ETERNAL.  No-one gets away with anything.  For every action there is a re-action.  PAYBACK/REWARD comes in many ways,  can manifest at anytime,  in any lifetime when the circumstances and souls are available,  at the right time,  in the right place,  in DIVINE ORDER!

Monday, July 9, 2012


We live in an Aquarian world dusted with Piscean overtones, or is it undertones? Aquarius screams out in a shocking electrical way while Pisces is subtle, magically infiltrating every burst of energy.  Because the sign  Aquarius opposes the sign Leo the drama and theatrics express themselves loudly and quietly through  what we imagine to be reality. 

An age lasts approximately 2180 years and we are only in the beginning of this Aquarian age.  That means that we are on the " cusp ". That will last many more years. We will be enjoying influencs from both signs plus.   The Zodiac gives us a continuous flow of energies. 

Friday, May 4, 2012


Attitude,self-love,healthy diet, good posture, these are ingredients for inner beauty which shine thru and help you to vibrate joyful energy that is infectious. How do you carry yourself? Demeanor, first impressions are lasting.
The MIND is the power. Right thinking transmits LOVE and HEALING ENERGY.Words have power.
Thoughts are things. They create thought forms that given enough energy and repetition will manifest.
You are made in the IMAGE of the CREATOR. You are GOD made manifest. You have the POWER to CREATE. Create happiness for yourself, others and the world.

Friday, March 23, 2012


We know they go to a better place and still we mourn.
We remember  and re-live and then we remember more.
And then again. How short our time here. How impactful.
Did we learn what we came to learn?
If not we'll be back. We must have needed that experience or
it wouldn't have happened.
I'll be back. I'll definitely be back.
And this time I'll do it differently.
You'll see.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Is the Rose more precious than the orchid?
Is the land more important than the sea or air?
Without the air we cannot breathe and breath is life and breath is SPIRIT.
Is Love more powerful than Hate? Yes it is. Experience Love without conditions and know.
Is the LIGHT more powerful than the DARKNESS? It must be. The darkness is afraid of the LIGHT.
When the LIGHT comes on the darkness disappears!


If Jesus was running for president would you vote for him?
Remember, he was a Jew when he was born and he was a Jew when he was died.
The " Last Supper " was him celebrating " Passover ".
According to Mary [ Miriam ] in the Gospel Of Mary, Jesus said, " I came not to change  the Law, I came to fulfill it. "
GOD gave us FREE WILL, FREE CHOICE.  That has not changed.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Spiritual teachers come in all sizes, flavors and colors.  The FATHER/MOTHER/GOD puts a LIGHT in every room, sometimes more than one.  People can pay attention or not.  We are all teachers and we are all students.  Everything is for a purpose and everyone is a mirrored reflection for us to recogognize, acknowledge, or not. 
Becoming  " ONE " means being united.  It doesn't mean we are all the same. We are individuals. GOD has created us that way.  We are the same yet different.  UNI-VERSE = one voice.  We sing together and become one voice when we are in harmony.  Nature expresses that in many ways.
Close your eyes and go within.  Be in touch.  Listen to the  BREATH. You are  THAT.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Every organ has it's own consciousness, it's own rythm and vibration.  Every vibration has sound and color. When organs are all in tune and functioning well they play in harmony. Otherwise like any orchestra there is a cacophony of sound.
The mind is the leader like a parent directing it's children.  Without proper direction the children are unruly.  When your body rules you, you are out of sync.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


People give power to  "things".  God is Everything and No-Thing.

There is no good or bad. There's just what is.

What is real?  Or what is your reality?  You must have the experience to understand the question
and/or the answer.  What one can imagine one can create.  How much do we  "image in"?
What one imagines one creates.

        IMAGE IN

See it in your mind.
Let it go.
What goes around  comes around.
Be sure it's what you want.

Imagination, Fascination, Revelation, Partisipation, Creation.

God is, Will always be, Has always been.



Wednesday, February 1, 2012


The SOURCE from whence GOD comes is pure LIGHT and LOVE.  GOD is part of a TRILOGY  that is divided into  FATHER/MALE/FEMALE.

We are all reflections of  THAT!


There is no escape. However, there are consciousness changes wherein one can leave the body and return. Your self is still there and you are in touch with another state of awareness.

Friday, January 27, 2012


I can only tell you what something means to me, how it appears to me.
Of course knowledge and intellect enter into that. However, feelings play a very important part.
Your "gut" feeling is the feeling that is the most accurate and can be depended upon to prove itself-
has been my experience. That  feeling is God talking to you, your Higher Power. You know that's true
because you've had that experience.  The one when you said "Why didn't I listen to my first feeling, my
first  thought?" Why? Because the "little me", the ego, doesen't want to listen.  They think they know better or everything or they don't want anyone telling them what to do! So we cut off our noses to spite our faces. That causes delays and other experiences. It must have been an experience you needed or you wouldn't have it. There are no accidents in the Universe. It's all about choice!              

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Here we are - actors in the play of life, watching actors in the world of illusion creating different realities that are really non-realities that seem real to us. And the beat goes on.
It's all the wonderment of GOD the FATHER and HIS co-producer  the MOTHER
All we can do is " BE".
When we flash back to the past or to the future it all seems so " real ". Well it is , even when it isn't. And so the " wise man " says, " It's a seeming world "!
You can find it in the world of illusion-this world.
Jesus found it. Buddha found it. They told us how, just as many before them. Go within. Throughout the ages there have been messages and symbols everywhere. There still are. You are THAT. I AM. You are the I AM.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


People often avoid making definitive statements. Sometimes they do it so they can answer a question without really answering.  Words like kinda, sorta, maybe can make an individual sound unsure or maybe, kinda, sorta, they are.
We kinda, sorta,almost know what our principles are - sorta, kinda.  Whattya think?  I feel certain that I may be sure this is the right decision. 
One of the newest, most over-used phrases these days is " kind of " or " kinda ".  Does it mean almost or sorta or I'm not sure?  How does one " kinda " do anything or " kinda " like something?  Either you do or you don't.
Since what one says is so powerful, does saying " kinda " impede peoples' progress?  It seems like a good portion of the people are almost, sort of, kinda doing and feeling - kinda.
Are you kinda, sorta, almost accomplishing something?
Are you getting in your own way when you kinda say or do something?  Of course you are. Maybe.
What have we done with conviction?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I AM a crafter of words & yet often the words come thru me, not from me.  There are many of us and many ways to help light the path.
We live in an accelerated period of growth.  Time to wake up and  " LOVE THY NEIGHBOR " and worship not the golden calf.  Love is the answer.  It is the key to the door. Kindness, goodness, compassion as opposed to anger, hatred and greed.  Power?  Mother Nature shows us continuously who the power really is. She obviously is not pleased with us.  Wake up people.  What we put out we get back.  No-one gets away with anything.  The Universal Law takes care of that. 
Breathe love into the ethers.  Good thoughts can change the atmosphere.
You cannot really love your neighbor until you love yourself. Understand that loving self is not being in love with yourself or thinking you are better than others. Love is unconditional.  Find out what that means. 
Think good thoughts.  The energy that emmanates from them affects us and those around us. 
Words are powerful.  What is the intention of the one who speaks them?  It's best not to assume.
You cannot steal my words, they come from the Universe thru me, to deliver. How you interpret them depends on where your head is at and that includes all your " stuff ".
Words can be impactful.  Think about all the words and phrases that are in your mind and how they have affected you and still do,

                                      YOU ARE YOUR WORD !